Growing businesses and startup ventures experience growing pains. Don’t let payroll be one of them.

Abacus Payroll is a veteran payroll company that prides itself on customer service. No more wasting time on 1-800 numbers or explaining yourself to a new payroll specialist each time you call. Our friendly specialists know you’re not a payroll expert and will make sure A) your organization is in compliance and B) that your loyal team members get paid each pay day.

Before you even hire your first employee, our payroll team will educate you on your payroll obligations and will be alongside you throughout your initial growth period.

For help with meeting your HR needs or more information about startup optimization, request a quote or call Abacus Payroll at (856) 667-6225 today.

More resources for startups and entrepreneurs:

Easier, Friendlier Payroll Is In Your Reach

Small businesses are a big deal to us. Eliminate the hassle of over complicated payroll and HR processes by partnering with a local and responsive provider.

Focus on your business and leave the payroll and tax to us. Count on Abacus Payroll.
